Pool Director Certification Course

  • 03/15/2025
  • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Montclair State University
  • 19


Registration is closed

Pool Director Certification Course (Saturday, March 15, 2025):

Cost:  $99/member - $139/non-member
**Cost does not include the online course purchased directly through the American Red Cross**

This course is an APPROVED program per the New Jersey Department of Health to meet the requirement for pools larger than 2,000 square feet to have the designated adult supervisor possessing the pool director training certification.  See this helpful PDF of approved certifications from the NJ Dept. of Health outlining currently recognized certifications (see Pool Director for the requirement and this course’s approval).

Certification requires 2 separate classes – the completely online and self-paced Lifeguard Management program conducted by the American Red Cross, and the Pool Director Certification conducted by NJRPA (in person on Saturday, March 15 from 12pm-4pm at Montclair State University).  We’re grateful to our past Aquatics Section Chair, Alex Sperling, for facilitating this Pool Director Certification Course for us.

The course is designed to prepare aquatic professionals to effectively manage lifeguards and help keep patrons, staff, and facilities safe. This certification also applies to spray parks that have recirculated water systems and have been identified by the state to meet all the same requirements as a public bathing facility under N.J.A.C. 8:26. The certification is valid for two years. Topics covered include general pool director knowledge, filtration and pool requirements, water chemistry and water testing, New Jersey Public Recreational Bathing Code (PRB NJAC 8:26) Interpretation, supervision and staff training, and injury and drowning prevention.

All participants must register for the Pool Director Course on the NJRPA Website in addition to purchasing the online training (see below).

Participants can register for the online course at the American Red Cross store, searching for the course titled:
Lifeguard Management - Online Course

Or by going to this link: https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/classes/lifeguard-management---online-course/a6R0V0000015FVD.html

Use the coupon code  PAFR010625  to save 50% off of the cost of the online class

CEU Description:

The New Jersey Public Recreational Bathing Code (NJAC 8:26) requires at least one staff member to be certified in the Pool Director Training as a designated adult supervisor of pools larger than 2,000 square feet. The American Red Cross has been identified as one of the approved providers for the Pool Director Training certification course. The course is designed to prepare aquatic professionals to effectively manage lifeguards and help keep patrons, staff, and facilities safe.  This certification also applies to spray parks that have re-circulated water systems and have been identified by the state to meet all the same requirements as a public bathing facility under NJAC 8:26. The certification is valid for two years.


1.  Explain the manager’s roles and responsibilities at aquatic facilities.

2.  Identify specific health regulations that apply to facilities in the State of New Jersey.

3.  Implement injury prevention, workplace safety, and emergency action planning strategies.

New Jersey Recreation & Park Association |  1 Wheeler Way  Princeton, NJ 08540

                 Phone: 609-356-0480 |  Email: info@njrpa.org

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