This is a CPSI Virtual Course. The CSPI Blended Learning Course is a combination of the CPSI Online Learning Course, a live training session conducted by a CPSI instructor and the CPSI computer-based exam. The deadline to be in this course is August 6, 2024.
The CPSI Online Learning Course: This 12 hour pre-recorded course provides in-depth analysis of ASTM standards related to playground safety focused on the process of safety inspection from design, through audit and inspection, to maintenance and risk management practices. Participants must complete the entire Online Learning Course at least 24 hours before the CPSI Virtual Session. Study materials will be sent from the NJRPA office to you on July 31, 2024 and NRPA will send you an email with the link for access to the Online Learning Course on NRPA's website and Zoom link around August 14, 2024.
Virtual Instructor Training Session: The date is August 21, 2024 from 8am-12noon. This 4 hour training session led by the CPSI course instructor (LIVE on Zoom) provides practical training on how to apply the ASTM standards and the CPSC guidelines to playground environments. The training is conducted through a four-hour Zoom meeting. This Zoom link is sent to you with the Online Learning Course email from NRPA.
Computer-Based Exam: Participants will be provided with information on how to schedule their exam at a nearby professional testing facility. Exam results are provided on-site at the conclusion of the exam.
International Shipping Costs: Please note that international shipping costs are the responsibility of the registrant. These costs will be added to your total registration fee.