Rutgers Youth Sport Lecture Series

  • 11/08/2021
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (EST)

Please join us for our first Rutgers Youth Sport Lecture Series on Monday, November 8th from 6-7 PM, sponsored by the Youth Sports Research Council within the Department of Kinesiology and Health.

Dr. Travis Dorsch (Associate Professor, Utah State University) will be presenting Cornerstones of Quality Parenting in the American Youth Sport Ecosystem. In this session, Dr. Dorsch will share evidence-based principles and practices that can be utilized with youth sport parents. Four “cornerstones” from the Quality Parenting Framework will be offered to attendees as a means to get parents involved across the developmental spectrum with an end-goal of maximizing competitive potential, enjoyment of sport, and the achievement of positive and translatable developmental assets.

This talk will be useful for those working with parents in youth sport settings, youth sport researchers, and community leaders.

To register for this talk, please click here.

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