League of Municipalities Conference

  • 11/19/2019
  • 11/21/2019
  • Atlantic City Convention Center

NJ League of Municipalities Conference
2019 Community Recreation Sessions

2019 Community Recreation Sessions at LOM Updated 10-31.docx

Tuesday, November 19

Risk Management & Liability for Parks and Recreation .2 CEUs

2:30 pm to 4:30 pm - Room 316

Risks, Liability, Injuries, oh my! This session will focus on debunking common misconceptions concerning liability for claims arising in municipal recreation programs; identifying major areas of concern and providing specific guidelines for reducing the potential for injuries and minimizing the impact of those losses that do occur. We will discuss sport and physical activity programs as well as specific setting such as playgrounds and athletic fields.

Speaker: Neil Dougherty, Ed. D. Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University

Wednesday, November 20

Managing Your Message .2 CEUs

9:00 am to 11:00 am - Room 315

How are you getting your message out to your community? Whether it is advertising your programs or responding to a new inquiry, this session will teach you how to grab the attention of your community members. In this panel presentation, media professionals will give you strategies to create, identify, and deliver our message.

Speakers: Brianna Vanozzi, Correspondent, NJTV

Michael Sharpiro, Publisher and CEO, Tapinto.net

Natalie Pinero, Executive Director, Downtown Somerville Alliance

Thursday, November 21

Pride in the Parks .2 CEUs

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm - Room 308

Are you looking to plan a Pride event? Maybe you already have and want to make it even better. This is the session you don’t want to miss. Attendees will learn the do’s and don’ts of planning a Pride event. We will discuss many creative ideas that can be implemented and the rationale and feasibility of planning Pride events, three different events will be showcased. Come ready to work in small groups as we will pan a mock event. Topics to be covered in this session include goal setting, safety, protestors, coordination with police, and more!

Charlie Hoffman, Director of Recreation, Red Bank
David Guida, Sponsorships and Program Coordinator, Summit DCP
Alyssa Shugyaev, Logistics Coordinator, NYC Pride

These sessions are open to all League attendees. No registration or fee required.

Programs are supported by the Community Recreation Society of New Jersey, a section of NJRPA.

Don’t forget to visit NJRPA at Booth #1622 in the Convention Center!

New Jersey Recreation & Park Association |  1 Wheeler Way  Princeton, NJ 08540

                 Phone: 609-356-0480 |  Email: info@njrpa.org

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