CPO Certification Course offered by The Aquatic Council

  • 04/11/2019
  • 9:00 AM
  • 04/12/2019
  • 5:00 PM
  • Princeton Recreation Department


  • 1st day online and 2nd day in classroom
  • 1st day online and 2nd day in classroom

Registration is closed
  • Hosted @ Princeton Recreation Department
  • Offered as two-day program or one day online and 2nd day classroom
  • $345 for 2-day course and $365 for fusion course (1 day online & 1 day in class)

    Register by purchase order with the NJRPA. If you are registering online with a credit card please go to the link below. If you are an NJRPA member please contact Richard Lani via email at rlani@njrpa.org or phone call at 609-356-0480 for a $20 discount code (the discount is already applied if you are not paying with a credit card). 


Please note that there will be a 1 hour break for lunch each day. Lunch will not be provided.

New Jersey Recreation & Park Association |  1 Wheeler Way  Princeton, NJ 08540

                 Phone: 609-356-0480 |  Email: info@njrpa.org

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