Natural Lands Stewardship Workshop

  • 12/06/2018
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Monmouth Battlefield State Park


Join public and private managers of natural lands for a day-long workshop discussing the following topics:

  • Panel discussion about deer management with presenters Lauren Wasilauski (Montgomery Township) and Dr. Michael Van Clef (Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space)
  • Dr. Jay Kelly, Raritan Valley Community College, will discuss his research about forest health and management of forested lands, including his analysis of the effectiveness of deer exclosures.
  • Dr. Robert Jordan, Freehold Area Health Department, will discuss his research about ticks, including emerging species, messaging, protections, and more.
  • Panel about urban natural lands management with Robert Rodriguez (Liberty State Park), Rick Lear (Middlesex County), and Justin Dennis (NJ Conservation Foundation) sharing their experiences and best practices for managing urban natural areas.
  • Dr. Michael Van Clef will introduce the new app from the NJ Invasive Species Strike Team.

The workshop brings together public and nonprofit land managers of natural lands. This is the 5th annual workshop organized in partnership with the NJ Recreation and Parks Association and the NJ Land Trust Network.

Please click here for the Workshop's full agenda.

New Jersey Recreation & Park Association |  1 Wheeler Way  Princeton, NJ 08540

                 Phone: 609-356-0480 |  Email:

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